Sunday, September 28, 2014

Write About Critique


Even famous pieces can be critiqued.

The Starry Night is an oil on canvas by the Dutch post-impressionist painter Vincent van Gogh. Painted in June, 1889

Look at Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night

1.  What would you change?
2.  What would you do to make it different or better?
3.  Use Elements and Principles to discuss.

Write Around Critique

Walk around and look at everyone’s piece.  Start around again and make a positive comment and a constructive comment.

To receive full credit you must do the following;

  1. Use at least one element and/or principle in your constructive comment.  
  2. Be specific about how you think they might add to their piece.
  3. Your suggestion must be something that is feasible and possible to accomplish without redoing the entire project.
  4. Comment on everyone’s project
Elements:  Line, shape, value, texture, color, and space
Principles:  Harmony (repetition, rhythm), Variety (contrast, elaboration), balance, emphasis, movement, proportion, and abstraction.

Begin to draw your self-portrait

Art I

When you are ready to begin your self-portrait

Watch this video "How to use a Grid"

    1. Draw very lightly at first
      1. Number your grid
      2. Draw the grid on you photo if you would like
      3. Use an “H” pencil
    2. See everything as a shape not an object
    3. Draw what you see not what you know.
    4. Draw upside down
    5. Isolate the rectangle you are drawing by blocking it off

Monday, September 22, 2014

Steps for Scratchboard Assignment

  1. Youtube demo
      1. Listen for
        1. Archival
        2. What he uses to add color
      1. Listen for
        1. How much does she plan?
    1. Two of my pieces Bethlehem card and Angel Card
    2. See last blog entry for past student work

  1. Thumbnail sketches

    1. Plan light and darks
    2. Pick design
    3. If work from photo:  play with different cropping ideas but still draw it.

  1. Draw actual size in detail 

    1. Transfer to Scratchboard with chalk: Rub white chalk pastel on to back of drawing or newsprint to act as “carbon paper."
    2. Or draw directly on board with pencil.

  1. Begin: Do less scratching than you think at first, then go back and add.

Scratchboard Past Student Work

Which projects were the most successful and why?
Look at use of positive and negative space.
Subject matter.

Friday, September 19, 2014

AP Thoughts

From AP publication "Special Focus:
Breadth in the AP Portfolios"

In the AP portfolio evaluation, Readers 1 are asked to verify student competencies in the
visual vocabulary and to substantiate the evaluation of what evidence is presented. In
this process, Readers look for the use of visual structure, technical acuity, and conceptual
development. Particularly in the Breadth section, these competencies present themselves as
the ubiquitous elements and principles of common artistic vocabulary found in the United

How to Grid

How to grid using geometry

How to grid sites

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Value Chart Assignment


Complete the following three assignments:

1.  Complete the VALUE SHADING HANDOUT:  Located at the front of the room.

2.  Read the descriptions below and complete the assignment #3.

  • Hatching is drawing a series of thin lines running parallel, or in the same direction . 
  • Crosshatching is drawing lines that crisscross each other. 
  • Blending is smoothly drawing dark values little by little by pressing harder on the drawing medium. 
  • Stippling is creating dark values with a dot pattern. 

Shading Techniques.

3.  Create a value chart similar to the one in the link below. The blank form is located at the front of the room.

Value Chart link

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Art I Value Assignment First Phase: Shoot Portrait


Value study assignment:

Learning Goals:  Use the Element Value to its full range!
 Use the Element Line to draw what you see not what you know!

         I.  Google “Pencil portrait drawings” and “Creative pencil portrait drawings”
to see examples of strong and weak images. Discuss.

II. The photo you will draw must be shot by you, either a selfie or of someone else.
Take with you a piece of white paper to act as a bounce board.

III.  Steps to shoot photo for assignment:

Take with you a piece of white paper to act as a bounce board.

1.  Partner with someone who has an iphone 4 or equivalent camera quality.
(No more than 4 in a group)
2.  Look at the example photos on my blog.
3.  Quickly locate appropriate background.
Dark hair?  Light back ground.
Light hair?  Dark background.
4.  Create side lighting (At least one side of the face must be clearly visible and in focus).   FIND A FULL RANGE of VALUES.
5.  Be creative with hair, pose and angle.
6.  Find creative lighting…
7.  Each person should have at least 5 images they like.
8.  Return to the room by 9:00 R1 by 3:00 R4
9.  Send images to at least one person’s gmail account.
10.  In Iphoto
a. Create a folder called ” Art 1”
b. Under that folder: create an album called R1 or R4
      c. Import your images to that album
d.  Crop and adjust
e.  Have Tish check
f.  Print to 2705 AFTER APPROVAL

Portrait Photo examples


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

9/11 GSHS

Art I

More about line:  Read Chapter in Art Talk

Reading Sighting handout and correct the errors.

Photo shoot for first major project

Sighting videos:


Betty Edwards


Close Up Oil Pastel Introduction and Power Point

Analyze photos for first Breadth Assignment:  Close Up Oil Pastel

Shoot more if necessary

Wednesday, September 3, 2014



9/4  Picture day

1. Pre-test figure drawing
2.  Organized papers
3.  Some started Blind drawing.

To Do On Friday 9/6

1. Blind drawing
2. Upside down
3.  Group to start sighting
           a. Go to link:  Sighting bottle
           b.  Use this technique to redraw the bowl true to life size.
                       i.  This will require that you start with an actual measurement and then use the sighting in order to find and use a unit of measure to complete the drawing

AP ART GSHS 9/4: Wednesday

1. Quick critique of Barcode quickfire
2.  First read through of scoring criteria for 2-D Design "6" Quality